Uncoated Paper

Uncoated Paper & Board

Inspira Pre Print Laser (Extraprint)

Inspira is a superior range of matching white uncoated papers and boards. It is a superb offset printing material and is ideal for subsequent laser printing where required.

Inspira is specifically designed for optimum offset printing performance where value for money is crucial. It is the ideal choice for letterheads, brochures, manuals, postcards, direct mail inserts, folders and covers.

PEFC Certified

Available in the following substances and sizes:

80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 210, 250, 270, 300, 350gsm

SRA3, SRA2, B2, SRA1, B1

Please contact us for current pricing and stock availability

Manufactured by Tjiwi Kimia

Target Plus Offset

Target Plus Offset is a full range of high white uncoated offset paper & board with excellent stiffness and stability to ensure outstanding run-ability on all leading offset presses.

FsC Certified

Available in the following substances and sizes:

80, 90, 100, 120, 135, 150, 170, 190, 250, 300, 350gsm


Please contact us for current pricing and stock availability

Manufactured by The Navigator Company

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